About us

Do you need precise, high quality and flexible metal processing for your subassemblies or devices?
Are you looking for an uncomplicated and thrustworthy supplier? If your answer is yes, then  are you looking for our workshop.

Our dynamic team is committed to delivering accurate and reliable work to the costumer`s requirements.
Our machine park makes it possible to carry out, turning, milling, grinding, cutting and metla cutting work.

Contact us with trust!


  • Vertical machining center - MCV 1016 QUICK

    The vertical axis MCV 1016 QUICK machining center is intended for the processing of demanding parts from a qualitative point of view, both in single mode and in series. The following types of operations can be performed on these machine: milling, drilling, widening, boring, threading, etc.


  • Band saw machine - PP 502 CNC

    This machine can cut various bars, pipes and profiles from different materials - steels, non-ferrous metals and plastics. The cutting speed of the bandsaw can be continuously adjusted, depending on the quality and hardness of the cutting material. The machine can be programmed via the B + R control system. You can enter 99 different programs.


  • Drilling Machine - R40E

    The following types of operations can be performed on these machine in single or serial part: drilling, widening, boring and threading It is equipped with manual and mechanical feed, has a rigid construction and high reliability. The change of the speed of the main spindle is performed electronically by means of a frequency converter.


  • Turning center - SBL 500 CNC

    The SBL 500 CNC lathe can be used for machining flange, shaft, etc. type parts. The lathe is equipped with a revolver head which allows the use of tools and devices that are motor driven and controlled.


  • Universal center lathe - SN 32

    Modern construction ensures easy handling and high accuracy. This lathe is recommended for the processing of parts in small and unique series being equipped with a wide range of accessories.


  • Surface grinding machine - ACRA ASG 1632HS

    This machine has a head that is lowered toward the work piece fixed on an electromagnetic table which is moved back and forth under the grinding wheel. The surface grinder has a grinding wheel rotating on a horizontal axis cutting around the circumference of the grinding wheel.




Bajkó Brigitta
Bajkó Brigitta

Quality Control

Grünstein Andrea
Grünstein Andrea

Manager Assistant

Grünstein Szabolcs
Grünstein Szabolcs


Szabó Attila
Szabó Attila

CNC Operator

Székely Csaba
Székely Csaba

CNC-, Lathe Operator

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